Thursday, January 17, 2008

Czech Egyptologists uncover intact 4,500 year-old tomb

A daily in-depth look at current events in the Czech Republic.

[07-01-2008] By Jan Velinger

It’s not everyday that archaeologists can boast a discovery such
as this one: the finding of a fully-intact archaeological site dating
back 4,500 years. That is exactly what happened in the pyramid
fields of Abusir, Egypt, where Czech experts recently opened a
tomb belonging to an Egyptian dignitary. Czech experts revealed
the news just a few days ago, having first thoroughly documented
the state of the chamber back in November. According to experts,
such a find has not been seen in 50 years.

Miroslav Bárta at the sarcophagus with the
remains of Neferinpu,
photo: Czech Institute of Egyptology

Czech Egyptologists have long enjoyed an impressive reputation
for their work in Abusir, Egypt, but even they admit one doesn’t
make a find such as this one everyday: the uncovering of an intact
tomb going back 24 centuries BC. The head of the on-site team,
Miroslav Bárta, told journalists that the opening of the bricked-up
chamber, found at the bottom of a 10-metre shaft, immediately
brought to mind experiences of Indiana Jones, but he added that
a feeling of responsibility for the site’s careful preservation
immediately set in. Radio Prague spoke to the head of the
Czech Institute of Egyptology, Ladislav Bareš, who confirmed
the recent find was immense: Read the rest of the story!

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